Rental eSign & Webpay Basics
Welcome to the basics of eSign + WebPay! We’ll show you how to get the most out of your three months of electronic signatures – how to send them, how to receive them, how to get paid for them, and how to find signed contracts in the system when you’re done.
Maximize Your Phone Opportunities
Odds are, most of your business is coming from phone calls or the internet these days. John Wooten, a 35+ year rental industry vet, teaches you to turn customer questions into rentals.
Driver App & Scheduler: Syrinx
We’ll show you how to maximise your drivers’ efficiency with the Driver App & Scheduler. Includes how to handle driver scheduling and all the features for the road, like checking jobs, taking on-site photos, storing notes, scanning items, etc.
Expert/Elite What’s New? Part II
This time we’ll handle the updates in System Management. Learn more about new capabilities and procedures within configurations, security, file maintenance, and purchase orders.
Expert/Elite What’s New? Part I
We’ll show you what’s new in the operations side of things, including Counter System, Dispatch Center, and Contract Fulfillment.
Workshop: Syrinx
When it comes to servicing, inspecting, taking care of off-hire inspections or customer repairs, Workshop helps you keep your engineers organised. We’ll show you how best to use Workshop to speed up your processes.
Mobile Workforce
Get work done away from the office – clock in and out, take photos, collect signatures on delivery – your mobile team can handle work from the road and keep the office in the loop without tying up phones or staff time. This webinar is for Expert and Elite customers.
Tips & Tricks: Syrinx
You’ll learn a lot of shortcuts that will help you navigate through your Syrinx software, saving you time and money when your quotations start pouring in.
Rental eSign
Now that you can use eSign free for the next three months, learn how to use it! Collect signatures from customers on any document you’d like, anywhere they are, simply by emailing it to them. Documents are stored securely and easily searchable for future recordkeeping purposes.
Expert & Elite Tips & Tricks
Learn how to make the everyday use of Point of Rental easier with these tips and tricks (and a little bit of magic).