Brooke Ryan's headshot

Brooke Ryan Named VP of Global Support Services

New Perspective Added to Company’s Executive Leadership Team

FORT WORTH, Texas — Brooke Ryan has been named Point of Rental’s VP of Global Support Services after spearheading several initiatives designed to improve users’ experience with the software company.

“Brooke has initiated a number of changes internally that have allowed our team to connect faster and more efficiently with our customers,” said Point of Rental CEO Wayne Harris. “These changes have increased customer satisfaction scores tremendously, and I look forward to seeing how her leadership continues to impact the whole of Point of Rental, including our customers.”

Since Brooke joined the company, Point of Rental’s support team has focused on building a culture of continuous improvement. From internal accreditation programs to hands-on training days at customer sites, the support team has developed innovative ways to grow their knowledge and build connections to the industry.

She’s also brought in – and back – experts from throughout the industry to the support infrastructure, increasing the depth of rental knowledge within the team. Alongside improvements to the company’s phone, email, and chat support systems, cases are being resolved more quickly and Point of Rental’s customer satisfaction scores are at their highest recorded level.

“I’m proud of our team and the strides we’ve made to enhance the customer experience,” said Brooke. “Their dedication and innovation have been key to our success, and I’m excited to continue building on that foundation, ensuring our customers remain at the heart of everything we do.”

Brooke and Point of Rental are always seeking rental experts dedicated to providing enjoyable customer experiences. If that sounds like you, apply at

Über Point of Rental Software

Point of Rental Software bietet intelligente, skalierbare Miet- und Bestandsverwaltungssoftware für über 5.000 Unternehmensstandorte aller Größen und Branchen. Mit Niederlassungen in Großbritannien, den USA, Australien und Südafrika bietet Point of Rental der weltweiten Vermietungs- und Verleihbranche preisgekrönte Software und einen beispiellosen Kundensupport. Wenn Sie erfahren möchten, wie Ihr Unternehmen von Point of Rental profitieren kann, rufen Sie 844-943-7368 an, besuchen Sie oder senden Sie eine E-Mail an [email protected].

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