Point-of-Rental Software Meets New PCI Security Validations

Rental software provider, Point-of-Rental™ Systems, recently updated all of their credit card security compliance based on the latest release of Payment Application Data Security Standards (PA-DSS), version 2.0.

“Stores have to use PCI compliant software in order to accept credit cards for payment of good and services,” says Point-of-Rental’s IT Support Liaison, Daniel Ruiz. “In order for our customers to be PCI Compliant they have to assess whether their payment software meets the PCI-DSS requirements. That is why we make sure the Point-of-Rental Enterprise software is up-to-date according to the latest PCI Security Council’s regulations.”

The PCI Security Standards Council, which began in 2006, oversees PCI Security Standards, including the Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS), Payment Application Data Security Standard (PA-DSS) and PIN Transaction Security (PTS) requirements.

To check if your rental software is PCI compliant, visit www.pcisecuritystandards.org, click on Approved Companies & Providers and select Validated Payment Applications.

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Point of Rental Software bietet intelligente, skalierbare Miet- und Bestandsverwaltungssoftware für über 5.000 Unternehmensstandorte aller Größen und Branchen. Mit Niederlassungen in Großbritannien, den USA, Australien und Südafrika bietet Point of Rental der weltweiten Vermietungs- und Verleihbranche preisgekrönte Software und einen beispiellosen Kundensupport. Wenn Sie erfahren möchten, wie Ihr Unternehmen von Point of Rental profitieren kann, rufen Sie 844-943-7368 an, besuchen Sie pointofrental.com oder senden Sie eine E-Mail an [email protected].

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