Two phones, angled back-to-back, showing different Ready Tag app screens.

Ready Tag Is Now Rent-Ready

Point of Rental’s New Mobile Feature Set to Replace Ubiquitous Tags

FORT WORTH, Texas — Point of Rental is introducing Ready Tag, a digital, easy-to-see mobile software solution that will ensure everyone within a rental store knows whether or not an item is ready to rent. Ready Tag will be a feature of Point of Rental One, Point of Rental’s mobile app.

Ready Tag automatically builds a queue of items requiring a post-rental inspection. From this list, staff can search and select the item they are servicing, inspect it using a built-in checklist, and document its condition. Once the item passes inspection, it will show as available in Elite.

“Current rent-ready tags are helpful, but paper processes always have inefficiencies,” said Product Manager John Wooten. “The item’s ‘ready’ status displays in Elite so a person working the counter can see items that have been returned but have yet to be serviced. This saves a lot of radio communications, or worse, constantly going out to the wash rack to check the status.”

Aurora Rents in Seattle, Wash., has been an early adopter of Ready Tag, and they’ve been surprised by how quickly their team has warmed to the new process.

“Even the non-tech-savvy guys are liking it because they’re not having to pull out a pen and fill out a tag,” said General Manager Dave Steele. “We have designated areas for ready or not ready – it’s easy to figure out.”

Point of Rental One connects remote employees and allows companies to easily manage mobile rental processes like inspections, inventory counts, and deliveries.

Learn more about Ready Tag and Point of Rental One by visiting

Über Point of Rental Software

Point of Rental Software bietet intelligente, skalierbare Miet- und Bestandsverwaltungssoftware für über 5.000 Unternehmensstandorte aller Größen und Branchen. Mit Niederlassungen in Großbritannien, den USA, Australien und Südafrika bietet Point of Rental der weltweiten Vermietungs- und Verleihbranche preisgekrönte Software und einen beispiellosen Kundensupport. Wenn Sie erfahren möchten, wie Ihr Unternehmen von Point of Rental profitieren kann, rufen Sie 844-943-7368 an, besuchen Sie oder senden Sie eine E-Mail an [email protected].

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