It’s donut day in the Point of Rental office, which means that Rental Essentials just got another update! What did our developers come up with this time?
Most importantly, we added the ability to set same day rentals. Need your stuff back the same day, and want to charge for the extra day if it’s not back by closing time? Now you can. Within your Admin > Configurations > Configure Tax and Payment Options menu, you can let Essentials know when you want your payments and the program will take ensure you’re billing properly.
Scheduled Maintenance Due has also been updated, allowing you to see what maintenance is due soon and even look into the future to see what will be coming up in a specific number of days. Avoid overwhelming your maintenance team!
It’s also easier to edit your inventory via spreadsheet. When you download your inventory spreadsheets and re-upload it, it will automatically edit the items on your site. This feature now supports all kinds of records.
This update also clears some of the clutter to make the system faster and prepare it for some more substantial future updates. Here are a few smaller features we added:
- Closed transactions show line items when viewed on screen.
- Bluetooth barcode scanners are now supported on our mobile app for iOS devices.
- You can now edit a sent contract using the mobile app.
- Our e-Signature add-on can now be signed directly on an iPad.
- Uploaded images are compressed to improve site speed.
- Stock Take Report is now based on your location, not across the company.
To find out how Essentials can help you manage your inventory or your rental store, receive emails about all of our updates, and try out all of Essentials’ features free for 14 days, sign up on our Essentials page.