2024 InTents Readers' Choice Award Winner logo on a background of a tablet computer on a fancy place setting.

Back on Top: Point of Rental Earns Fifth InTents Reader’s Choice Award

Named Best Rental Software By Popular Vote

FORT WORTH — Point of Rental has been named InTents Magazine’s Readers Choice for Best Rental Software for the fifth time in the past six years.

“Company-wide, it hurt a bit last year when we missed out on this award for the first time,” said Point of Rental CEO Wayne Harris. “As a team, we got back down to the basics of focusing on bringing a customer-first attitude to every interaction – from support to sales to accounting to development – and we’re excited to see it paying off, both in our internal customer feedback and in this award.”

Over the past year, Point of Rental has implemented things like customer advisory boards, dedicated support teams, additional training, and adding more rental-experienced support expertise to the team. Through uInnovate, the company has also added dozens of feature suggestions to strengthen its overall product offerings.

The InTents Reader’s Choice Awards are the best of the industry’s best across 15 categories, selected by voters. You can find out more about the Reader’s Choice Awards at intentsmag.com.

To learn more about Point of Rental and the features that make it the InTents Reader’s Choice Award winner, visit pointofrental.com/event.

Sobre a Point of Rental Software

A Point of Rental fornece soluções de software de gestão de aluguel e inventário que conectam as pessoas de cada função de locação vertical e de trabalho, capacitando-as com as ferramentas necessárias para agilizar as operações e crescer estrategicamente. Por mais de 35 anos, a Point of Rental tem liderado a inovação da indústria, ganhando dezenas de prêmios de inovação e serviços para software de locação. Como uma Inc. de quatro vezes. 5000 empresas de crescimento mais rápido, a empresa atende clientes em 80 países diferentes a partir de escritórios em Dallas, Londres, Melbourne e Joanesburgo. Preencha o formulário abaixo para descobrir como uma equipe com mais de 600 anos de experiência em locação no local pode levá-lo onde você quer estar.

Como pode o Ponto de Aluguer ter impacto no seu negócio?
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