point of rental software finalist for cloud awards

Point of Rental Essentials Announced Finalist in The Cloud Awards: B2B Customer Excellence


Point of Rental Essentials, a web-based inventory tracking and rental management software, has been announced as a finalist in The Cloud Awards, a program that recognizes excellence and innovation in the sphere of Cloud Computing. Since its initial release in 2014, Point of Rental Essentials has won multiple awards and recognition including the 2014 RER Gold Innovative Product of the Year Award finalist in the 2015 Cloud Innovation World Cup hosted by Google, finalist in the 2015 Best SAAS in the US hosted by The Cloud Awards, and now the shortlist finalist for the 2016 B2B Customer Excellence from The Cloud Awards.

Point of Rental CEO Wayne Harris said, “Our winning strategy of constant enhancements is a key differentiator for Point of Rental. Our customers provide input and feedback, which is rapidly implemented as enhancements in our two-week update cycle.”

With new features rolled out to customers on a bi-weekly schedule, Point of Rental Essentials keeps users on the cutting-edge of technology. A recent update included kiosk functionality, providing a new level of enhancement to the customer experience. Multiple key integrations with companies such as ECi Rocksolid, Stripe, Quickbooks, and others provide streamlined mobility so that customers never have to think about software again.

Cary Gordon, Web Development at MicroSearch Pro Video and Photo, said, “Point of Rental Software has been a tremendous asset to our rental business. Now we can track our rentals with ease and we are set up now to help our customers achieve their goals! The software is simple to use and operate and completely helped overhaul the way we rented out equipment. We love it so much, we have implemented it with our sister company as well for their needs!”

About the Cloud Awards and SaaS Awards

The Cloud Awards were founded in 2011 by a group of technical engineers, business leaders and marketers. The Cloud Awards continues to be the de facto recognition platform for excellence and innovation in the sphere of Cloud Computing. In 2016, the Cloud Awards was augmented with the SaaS Awards recognition platform to more fully represent the breadth of cloud services available as software solutions.

Sobre a Point of Rental Software

A Point of Rental fornece soluções de software de gestão de aluguel e inventário que conectam as pessoas de cada função de locação vertical e de trabalho, capacitando-as com as ferramentas necessárias para agilizar as operações e crescer estrategicamente. Por mais de 35 anos, a Point of Rental tem liderado a inovação da indústria, ganhando dezenas de prêmios de inovação e serviços para software de locação. Como uma Inc. de quatro vezes. 5000 empresas de crescimento mais rápido, a empresa atende clientes em 80 países diferentes a partir de escritórios em Dallas, Londres, Melbourne e Joanesburgo. Preencha o formulário abaixo para descobrir como uma equipe com mais de 600 anos de experiência em locação no local pode levá-lo onde você quer estar.

Como pode o Ponto de Aluguer ter impacto no seu negócio?
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