Essentials' new Web Storefront user interface.

Point of Rental Essentials Unveils New Web Storefront

New Workflows Provide Better User Experience, More Rentals, Fewer Abandoned Carts

FORT WORTH, Texas — Point of Rental’s cloud-based Essentials software has overhauled how online rentals work for its users. The updates prioritize user experience, making the online rental process as easy as possible for customers.

“As ecommerce evolves, so do we,” said Essentials’ Product Owner John Wooten. “The new process aligns with standard ecommerce processes for retail businesses, making it easier for consumers to rent from our users.”

The update allows for full searchability of a rental business’s entire catalog, as well as the ability to easily compare products by both specs and price. Consumers can easily add sale or additional rental items and see clearly what they’ve rented in the checkout process.

An updated check-out process allows consumers to create an account, speeding up future rentals, or simply to check out as a guest. They can also self-select pickup or delivery, how they’d like to handle returns, and add any special requests. Consumers can either request a quote or reserve an item; if the business uses Point of Rental Pay, they’ll be able to pay painlessly online.

Early adopters have seen rental add-on revenues jump 40 percent and cart abandonment rates drop dramatically since implementing the new web storefront. Users can easily adjust dates, see item availability, and find related rental options, enhancing customer satisfaction.

For now, the new web storefront is for Essentials users only; the new look will be available with Point of Rental’s other products in upcoming months.

To see Essentials’ new web storefront in action, visit Point of Rental’s YouTube page or sign up to get a demo at

Sobre a Point of Rental Software

A Point of Rental fornece soluções de software de gestão de aluguel e inventário que conectam as pessoas de cada função de locação vertical e de trabalho, capacitando-as com as ferramentas necessárias para agilizar as operações e crescer estrategicamente. Por mais de 35 anos, a Point of Rental tem liderado a inovação da indústria, ganhando dezenas de prêmios de inovação e serviços para software de locação. Como uma Inc. de quatro vezes. 5000 empresas de crescimento mais rápido, a empresa atende clientes em 80 países diferentes a partir de escritórios em Dallas, Londres, Melbourne e Joanesburgo. Preencha o formulário abaixo para descobrir como uma equipe com mais de 600 anos de experiência em locação no local pode levá-lo onde você quer estar.

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