Point of Rental’s Essentials/Expert/Elite AMA!

Join CEO Wayne Harris, Product Innovation Manager John Wooten, and Director of Software Development Evan Fort to hear about what the future holds for Point of Rental and the Essentials, Expert, and Elite products. After a short intro, they’ll be taking your questions and answering as many as possible.
How to Write a Contract

Writing a contract is possibly the most fundamental task that rental software performs. We’ll show you how to do it properly in Expert/Elite so that you can keep your inventory management (and your schedule) forever accurate.
MailChimp: Get Your Message Out

Need to contact a lot of people at once? MailChimp is easy and, depending on how many people you’re sending to, free. You’ll learn to export your email lists from your Point of Rental software, set up an email, and send it off to your customers. We’ll even run through a few metrics you’ll want to look at to improve your emails over time.
Gettin’ It: POs and Subrentals

Add purchased inventory and non-inventory items. Write subrentals correctly. See how Point of Rental helps you with automatic sequential key creation and more. You’ll even learn about ordering items from within repair and customer contracts! Eat your Cheerios and bring your coffee for this one!
Q&A with HAE Leadership

Sean Sebastian and Mark Goodrum talk with HAE’s Graham Arundell about the issues facing Europe’s hire community and the path toward rebuilding after COVID. Your questions welcomed!
Expert/Elite: Managing Your Receivables

Learn how to user the tools at your finger tips to stay on top of your receivables and giving visibility to managers and owners. Reward your customers who promptly pay and halt business with the ones who don’t pay. Force cash payments on the cash guy who had bounced a check. Implementing finance charges. Join us for some AR fun!
Essentials v3.0

Multi-store features. Enhanced maintenance tracking. New, easier-to-read menus. More reporting. There’s a lot more in your Essentials software now; we’ll show you how to use all your new tools.
How to Rent Online, Efficiently

Online renting is convenient for customers. It’s profitable for rental stores. It can help make you paperless (reducing waste) and contactless (reducing vectors for disease). So why aren’t more businesses renting items online? Caleb Yell of RentalHosting.com explains the different ways to do online rentals, how to make them as efficient as possible, and answers your questions about renting online.
How to Set Up Maintenance Schedules

Keep your fleet healthy and your customers happy by maintaining your equipment at the proper intervals. We’ll show you how to set up maintenance schedules that make sense and maintain value.
Expert/Elite: Data Management

Forget C.R.E.A.M. The new acronym this decade is D.R.E.A.M – Data Rules Everything Around Me. See how to make the most of Rental Expert & Elite’s Data Management Module (if you have it) and how it can help you build a brighter future for your company (if you don’t).